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Nature has its own cyclic System

Nature has a definite pattern which is cyclic in nature.. like the weather and climate, human destiny too has ups and downs; highs & lows; periods of happiness & griefs; periods of success & failures.  It may be for an hour, day,  season, years, decades, centuries and probably eons.

Nothing is permanent. Change is inevitable. We are aware from history that Power & wealth always shift. It also applies to us as an individual, family, society and country.

Today’s powerful man is tomorrow’s powerless man,  Today needy may be tomorrow’s provider and vice versa. So if you are in a good position today, you should help someone, so that when you are in need of help in the future, someone will help you. Its also, applies to Family / Society / Countries.

 We should develop a culture of helping each other in today’s society/ generation for a better world.

If one country is in a very strong position now, they need to help other countries that are looking/wanting help so that when nature changes its cycle and the time comes the receiver can be the giver.

Addition :

Nature has its own cyclic system, after a certain interval situation change. It may be for an hour, day, month, season, years, decades, centuries and probably eons

Days after Night, Night after days, zero moon to full moon, full moon to zero moon, earth spins get some portion after 24 hrs, seasons change, star shifts,  comet falls,  leap year.

In the human world also nothing is permanent. change is inevitable. Power and wealth always shift. Then we can understand from the history. The country which was rich in earlier time now s poor country and vice versa. Earlier world-winner country today is nowhere instead if we observe our nearby relatives, see in our family, individual become rich to poor or poor to rich.

According to nature, today is a powerful man in tomorrow’s powerless man, today needy maybe the tomorrow’s giver and vice versa.

Nature has given power ability only to a human beings to help each other up to the maximum extent. Therefore if we are in a good position today we should help someone so that when we are in need of help in the future someone will help us. Its applies to individual, family, society, country, etc.

We should develop a culture of helping each other i.e. in respect of basic needs, we should treat the entire world as a family. We should share natural resources for the survival of each other.

If one country is in a very strong position now they need to help other countries as are want help so that when nature changes its cycle and the time comes the receivers can be giver.

For a rich, small help does not make any effect on them but who gets the help it was helpful for life. When the situation changes and when we get small help it changes the life.

Never try to win just because you are in a strong position.

Always try to win on the basis of right or wrong / justice or injustice.

Shaashtras – samskriti / culture

Shashtra – dosh /weapon

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